Még nincs farsanghoz, húsvéthoz, gyereknaphoz vagy bármelyik eseményhez programotok? Mi segítünk. Összeszokott csapatunk bölcsődei, óvodai is iskolai csoportoknak ajánl és tart zenekaros foglalkozásokat, aktuális témákhoz illeszkedve.

The band
The three-piece Kétpeti band and myself as the leader of the traditional dance house conduct the sessions, where the good mood is guaranteed, and it moves everyone.
During the 30-40 minute dance children can get acquainted not only with the games and songs related to the theme, but they get engaged in an instrument demonstration as well. In my experience very few children encounter folk instruments during their lifetime, and it’s not even sure that they will recognize them. This session that requires physical activity is a great occasion to familiarize children with musical instruments. In the end, the kids can experience what it feels like to be part of a band.
What does a contrabassist do, who is the viola player, or how does a violin sound without the other instruments. bőgős, ki is az a brácsás, vagy éppen milyen hangja van a hegedűnek a többi hangszer nélkül.

Recommended topics
Farsang, három napjában… [Carnival, for three days…]
Gábor Áron rézágyúja…(március 15.)
Népviselet napja [National Day of the Traditional Costume]
Pünkösd legszebb királynéja, legügyesebb királyfia [Whitsuntide’s most beautiful queen, most talented king]
Gyertek, gyertek játszani! [Come on, come play!] (Children’s Day)
Ég a tűz, Szent Iváni tűz… [Fire is burning, the bonfires of St. John...] (St. John's Eve bonfire jumping)
Leszedik a szőlőt aratás után… [Vintage after reaping] (Vintage)
Sárga a liba begye… [Goosey’s craw is yellow…] (St. Martin’s Day)
Én elmentem a vásárba… [I went to the animal fair…] (St. Michael’s Day)
Mikulás, Mikulás… [Santa Claus, Santa Claus…]
Karácsonynak éjszakáján…
Packages and prices
Basic package
We undertake maximum 3 kindergarten groups/classes at the same time due to the number of people and for better experience.
br. 120.000 Ft (+ útiköltség Budapesten kívül)
MAXI package
In case of more than 3 groups/classes we undertake the program in breakdowns.
br. 150.000 Ft (+ útiköltség Budapesten kívül)
It is possible to request a dance house without a band. We undertake this in all cases indoors (group room, gym room, gym) and by moving a maximum of 2 groups / classes together. Above this number, we can only undertake a version with band.
br. 25.000 Ft (+ útiköltség Budapesten kívül)
Időpontot kérlek egyeztess itt:
0630 246 65 80